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Betterrlife Communications, Life Research and Human Development conducts Research on every aspect of practical / applied life and human behaviour.


Equipped with our primary and secondary research data-base on things that matter to our daily life, we conduct exclusive target-specific, on-demand  Thoughtshops (interactive, reflective, experiential and cognitive therapy based edutainment engagements) for Students, Parents, Employed youth,  Job seekers, Associations, organizations, corporate houses, residential communities, fraternities, fellowships and for people that thirst for a fuller and meaningful life. 

Anyone who wants to better her/his life, get the best out of their life and career would find value in our Engagements. 




Betterrlife Research invests its time and energy on exploring, observing, analysing, documenting, demystifying and understanding the various aspects of human experience and practice of life.


The Research investments are made in order to understand the mechanics and dynamics of our collective and personal experiences of life involving our thoughts, feelings, actions, attitudes, behaviour, beliefs, so on and so forth.


We do it all to serve you with knowledge and skills that equip you to continually live better and do better in your life.

Research takes interest in everything that man is involved in, wherever we find life. We take interest in practically everything that influences and governs life.


​We welcome you to take advantage of our scientific research and studies of life. Our findings equip us to enable you to find solutions for various challenges you face in life as an individual, family, organization or as a community.


Betterrlife stays invested in scientific research and studies on life in all its magnificence and magnitude. We explore and examine the various known and unknown aspects of life.


We hold the dynamics and mechanics of applied life for a subject of study as Physics holds Physical constituents of material world for its study, Chemistry holds chemical properties of material world for its study and Biology holds living organisms for its study.


Every aspect of life, every force and law that governs life interests Betterrlife. All streams of Natural Sciences, Humanities and Arts stay equally interesting to Betterrlife


We love every branch of Study and human endeavours. We observe and study human life as manifested and expressed on earth in the personal and collective experiences of human beings, analyse and document them to help human beings get the best out of life as individuals, families, societies, groups, teams and organizations. 



Betterrlife VISION:

To touch the lives of people across the socio-economic spectrum, empowering them, enabling and equipping them to plug into their potential best so that they achieve self-excellence in everything they do, and become drivers of efforts that would progressively turn the world into a better place to live in for all mankind alike.


Betterrlife MISSION:

Equip individuals, institutions and organizations to BE MORE, DO MORE and REACH THEIR POTENTIAL BEST.


​Facilitate human capacity development for a better life in a better world.


Foster love of life and build ways and means of making a fuller life possible for people across the socio-economic spectrum and for the posterity, around the world.


Initiate productive projects that improve the quality of life of people, make them financially independent, and liberate them intellectually.


Develop scientific temperament in individuals and communities.


Develop leadership qualities, social skills, soft skills, managerial skills, and sustainable living skills in people.


Initiate projects and promote initiatives that cultivate love for humanity, peaceful co-existence, understanding, harmony, unity, fraternity, equality, liberty and human dignity in all sections of people that equally and collectively own and share this planet.    




Betterrlife partners with individuals, corporate houses, philanthropists, institutions and organizations of all hues, shapes and sizes that share our vision in the projects we undertake as a part of our mission.


We hold your partnership invaluable in making earth a better place to live in for ourselves and our posterity. 


​We believe that each one of us owe our bit to help each other get the best out of life in this interdependent economy of life. We believe each one of us has a responsibility to foster and nurture the life-giving and life-sustaining systems of this planet.


We believe that each one of us can and should leave this planet a better place to live in than we found it, rather than leave it  worse off than we found it, unsafe and unfit for life. 


We request socially committed business houses and philanthropists to POWER us and make a difference to your

life / business / brand and to that of the communities you serve and care for.


We give you an opportunity to make a difference to the lives of millions of fellow humans that keep you business and that call this planet their home. 


Leave your life-print on this planet by powering us.



We offer you RESEARCH and STUDY solutions for your Organizational and Personal development and growth.

We help you (as a person) meet your 

self-preservation, self-development, self-excellence and

self-actualization NEEDS.

We help you BETTER your journey of life

and your life pursuits.

  Through a variety of informal edutainment engagements and therapeutic engagements, including cinema and drama therapy, music and art therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy and success therapy, interpersonal and family therapy, experiential and organizational therapy and through

innovative people-empowering
enterprises / projects that help you navigate life meaningfully, enabling you enjoy a fuller and better life.

        Because, you are here to taste life and make it happen.

Life calls you out to explore and experience life.


You miss out on the opportunities life serves you with, if you do not use the keys life hands you to open its treasure house.

We offer to usher you into the riches of life that you may probably have been missing out on in your journey so far or

miss out on later in the days to come.  


Thirdly, as the world is getting ruthlessly competitive by the day, and your survival and success depend on efficiencies and competencies that informal education delivers better than the conventional education systems.

As for the growing generation and the youth,

the world is increasingly turning into

a sole preserve for the job-ready, future-ready and life-ready.

So, if you are a parent, you need to equip them

for the emerging new world.  

And if you are an adult, you would agree that continual unlearning, learning, thinking and rethinking,

doing and redoing are the way forward

for anyone who wants to stay in the game of life and work.

So, it helps to have a partner facilitator like us on your side,

 who can help you access success with

helpful resources and wisdom that we offer to bring you, to

turn your journey of life a bit more exciting,

efficient and cost-effective. 


We call our Engagements THOUGHTSHOPS

(a portmanteau of THOUGHTS and WORKSHOP)

Since a continual primary and secondary research along with a proactive and future-oriented approach to life

make an integral part of our DNA, 

you can plug into us and drink out of us.



 Some of them are delivered for groups,

in a venue of your choice with basic physical infrastructure

including seating capacity, sound system,

and video projection gears.

Some others are offered online through chat and emails.

The ideal choice of ENGAGEMENT FORMAT is made on

a case to case basis at our discretion.


Segment 1:
   School-going children or home-schooling children from kindergarten to undergraduate level. 
Segment 2:
         Adolescents and youth that are preparing to
enter the job pool.

Segment 3:
      Entry-level and mid-level executives and professionals that struggle with soft skills and self-management issues.
Segment 4:
   Rural communities that comprise people with inadequate education and competitive competencies.
Segment 5:
       Start-ups and Small and Medium enterprises that value and aspire to build a strategic and creative brand equity

Segment 6:

A developing economy or community or Organization that wants a third-person perspective and partnership in maximizing its economic, social and political potential that typically remain untapped in its people and resources at its disposal

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