In addition to Research & Study Solutions, we offer you a range of edutainment engagements listed as follows that you can register for and Betterrlife Communes listed in the Communes page that you can enroll with.
Betterrlife Personal - An Online Counselling Service.
You are a person and you have got to face a number of personal challenges in life on every front. You can run away neither from yourself nor from life. Life has more on offer for you than you think. Betterrlife Personal is a counselling service we offer you online designed to enable you successfully face your life challenges, fears, pains, losses, concerns, inadequacies, failures and relationship issues. You are assured of absolute confidentiality.
Betterrlife Enabler - An on-site Skills Training Engagement.
A series of engagements designed to empower you with gainful skills. There are various skills that enable you get better at your job and life. And then there are skills that enable you earn better than you do now. There are skills that make you a job-ready candidate the day you hit job market. And then there are those that help you retain your job and build a rewarding career. You may pick programs that train you with skills relevant to you.
Betterrlife Campaigner - On-site engagements
These are on-site programs designed to popularize academic subjects such as Math, Scientific temperament and science, Arts, Ideas, Products, Human Rights and social causes. They include film literacy programs, reading habit development programs, scientific temperament development programs, numerical literacy development programs and so on for the rural and semi-urban communities in the main.
Betterrlife Young Thinkers - Online and On-site engagements
It is a series of programs designed for school-going children of various classes and age-groups. These are designed to help children understand the dynamics and mechanics of life, grooming them for facing practical life. They get to pick up knowledge, habits and skills essential for achieving success in personal, professional, social and financial life. These Programs help them develop a strong character and leadership qualities that will help them get the best out of life throughout their life. This is a remedial complementary education that our conventional education system fails to address, owing to its priorities. The program is available both online and offline/at a venue of your choice, if need be.
Betterrlife Leaders - On-site engagements
Programs designed for helping people find financial independence. They inspire and ready you to move from opportunity seekers to opportunity creators, from job hunters to job givers. The program is available both online and offline/at a venue of your choice, if need be.
Betterrlife Creative - On-line and On-site engagements
Creative thinkers are more in demand today than perhaps any other period in human history. While vertical thinkers excel at repetitive, technical and mechanical works, creative thinkers take us forward in every domain. That said, every organization, every house of business, every society and nation need more creative thinkers than are available today. However, creativity is a skill that has got to be developed and acquired before you get to excel at it. We offer an exclusive program for your employees, students, recruits, and anyone who is desirous of developing creative thinking skills and creative quotient for better performance at the job, better career and job prospects. The program is available both online and on-site /at a venue of your choice, if need be.
​Betterrlife Holistic Preventive Healthcare - On-site engagement
Designed to help you stay healthy and functional for a longer span of time. A service developed around "prevention is better than cure" maxim.